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Geography topics for you to learn and enjoy

A Population pyramid

population geography

Issues that can be observed when looking at the population pyramid of the UK include: the baby booms of previous generations; the aging society created by low birth rate and longer life expectancy; the increasing number of dependents on a relatively smaller working population.

Population Pyramid


Population Geography | expansive population pyramid

This population pyramid is a typical expansive population pyramid. It indicates a rapidly expanding population. There is a youth bulge evident which means that there are large number of young people in society. If policies can be put into place for the economy to expand quickly enough providing jobs for all the new entrants to the workplace, the country will benefit from a demographic dividend.

Population Pyramid


population geography

This population pyramid is a good example of a contracting  population pyramid. China has implemented successful population control policies which have lead to a decreasing population. China has benefitted over the last 30 years from a demographic dividend as the number of people entering the workforce has increased relative to the number of dependents. 

Population Pyramid - Stationary 

population geogrpahy
population geography

A stationary population pyramid has a low birth rate and a low death rate. The population is stable over time. Indonesia's population pyramid is fast becoming stationary indicating that it will reach peak population in the next generation.

Population pyramids changing over time

population geography | USA population pyramid 1950
Population pyramid 2050 | USA population pyramid

Here we can see how the population pyramid of a country has changed over time. In this case, the population of the US has gone from being expansionary to stable in 100 years. 

All these wonderful population pyramids come from the excellent website which we highly recommend. 

Population pyramids are a visual way to look at the whole population of a particular place. They show the numbers of people in each age bracket and they can be used to study different issues in population studies like, the increasing numbers of dependent people as a share of the working population. Similarly, they can be used to measure baby booms and how this will affect public services in future years. They can be used to look at gender imbalance, demographic transition and population growth. 


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