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All these worksheets help with the teaching and learning of the geography topic of settlements. These geography printables are free to download and print off without registering and they can be used either in schools or at home. They cover the topic of settlement geography and where they come from external sources, if you click on the photo, it will take you to the website that they came from. 
Geography topics for you to learn and enjoy

Settlement hierarchy - make  a 3D model

settlement hierarchy worksheet

In this activity, you make a 3D model of a settlement hierarchy diagram. You have to label your diagram with the estimated population sizes for each type of settlement and then go on to  

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settlement geography worksheet

describe the characteristics of each size of settlement. You are encouraged to describe the settlements through geographical size, population size and level of service provision. This can make for a great display in the classroom. 

Comparing a village, a town and a city

settlement geography
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settlement geography

This is a simple classification exercise where you have to cut out the statements and classify them according to whether they describe a village, a town or a city.

Different types of homes - worksheet

homes around the world worksheet
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In this activity, there is a large wordbank for you to use when describing the homes in the pictures. There are six very different homes and you have to describe the homes using the vocabulary provided. 

Features of different settlements

settlement geography
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This is a good activity for paired or small group work.  Pupils examine different features and decide what size settlement would include this feature. A city, a town, a village, or all three. Help is given on our settlement hierarchy page. 

Settlement word search

settlement word search
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This is a good activity for paired or small group work.  Pupils examine different features and decide what size settlement would include this feature. A city, a town, a village, or all three. Help is given on our settlement hierarchy page. 

Settlement crossword

settlement geography
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This is a good activity for developing new vocabulary to do with the geography topic of settlements. To help you complete this crossword, you can use our settlement words page. This can be completed as a homework or as an extension activity. 

Like our work? Buy the full pack, complete with answers.

A comprehensive range of settlement geography worksheets to support 10 different activities to help learning all about the geography topic of settlements. They come complete with answer key. The activities look at:
         * Settlement vocabulary
         * Settlement word search
         * Types of homes
         * Settlement patterns
         * Features of different settlements
         * Comparing villages, towns and cities
         * Settlement hierarchy (make a 3D model)
         * Settlement crossword
         * Settlement self-assessment

3d geography answers
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settlement word search (75dpi)
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3d geography answers

Best of the rest, from around the web ...

settlement geography

This activity looks at the legacy of the Roman occupation of Britain.

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settlement geography

This activity looks at how rivers have played in integral part in many settlements development.

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settlement geography

This activity looks at how settlements change over time. 

volcano worksheet for kids | volcano worksheets for middle school | volcano worksheets for KS2

To visit the Channel 4 website where these worksheets came from, click here.

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