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Here we learn more about the geography of mountains through studying different diagrams of them. We can see how mountains are formed and then identify the different types of mountains. By studying and using these mountain diagrams, we can further understand the geographical processes involved. Can you use these diagrams to help you draw a comic strip or cartoon describing how mountains are formed?
Geography topics for you to learn and enjoy
Geography topics for you to learn and enjoy

Location of fold mountains

Mountain diagrams

mountain geography

Cross section of fold mountains diagram

glacier diagram | glaciation

Formation of fold mountains

geography diagrams

Both these diagrams help understand the processes that occur when fold mountains are formed. In the first, we can see more clearly that tectonic plates move and as they crash into each other, they create fold mountains. The second diagram helps to demonstrate how the layers inside fold mountains occur. 

mountain formation diagrams

This next diagram shows the difference between mountains on Earth and mountains on Mars.

largest mountain diagram

Which is bigger?

How do mountains affect the weather?

relief rain diagram

Mountains have notable effects on the weather in their regions. In these diagrams we look at relief rain and the rain shadows that can be created near to mountain regions. 

mountain weather diagram | rain shadow diagram

How different types of mountains are formed.

Fold mountains are formed when two tectonic plates collide but in this diagram, we see how ridges can be formed by plates pulling apart. 

mountain diagrams

This diagram demonstrates how rocky outcrops are formed and to see how, we have to go back in time millions of years. 

This diagram shows a cross section of the Andes in South America and it helps explain how the Andes are formed. 

Here we see how the rift valley in Kenya is formed. 

The different layers of the mountain.

Mountains change as you go up them and these diagrams help demonstrate the different changes that you can see as you go up. 

mountain diagram

The tree line is affected by a number of factors and so it can be found at 2000 metres in the Alps and at 2,700 metres in the Andes. 

The vegetation on the mountain has been classified into distinct layers, each with their own name. This diagram illustrates and labels the different layers.

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