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Would you get top scores in a flag quiz? Do you think you can spot the difference between the national flag of Ireland and the national flag of Italy? How many country flags can you identify? And will you score more highly than your friends? Why not use these flag worksheets to test your knowledge of the different national flags of the world. We think you will love our Flags of the World quizzes.

Geography topics for you to learn and enjoy
Geography topics for you to learn and enjoy

Flags of the World Quiz

This quiz can be printed off for use in schools and at home. Click on the link below to download this flag worksheet in pdf format. If you are not sure of what the answers are, do not worry as you can download the answers on a separate document. Do you want a clue to help you with the answers? The countries all have large populations.

flag quiz | national flags quiz | flag worksheet | flags worksheets | geography quiz
Flags of the world quiz | national flags quiz | geography test
blank maps | map quizzes
pictures for use when learning about Geography

Flag Quiz - Europe

There are 50 countries in Europe and they include the largest country in the world and the smallest. Have a go at this flag quiz on European country flags and see how many you can name. This flag worksheet is a fun activity for everyone but be careful as there are some flags which are very similar.

geography quiz | national flags quiz
Flag quiz - europe
flag quiz | national flags quiz | flag worksheet

Flag Quiz - Asia

There are more countries in Asia than any other continent and there are more people in Asia than the other 6 continents combined. Can you identify the flag of the country with the largest population here? Or can you identify the flag of the country with the largest land area? There are 15 flags to identify here, how will you score when you test yourself using this flag worksheet? 

Flag quiz | geography test | flags worksheet answers
geography quiz | geography test
Flag quiz - asia

Flag Quiz - South America

Here is a flags of the world quiz that concentrates on countries from South America. This is particularly challenging due to a number of colours, patterns and motifs proving popular amongst South American flags leading to a high degree of similarity in the flags appearance. How well will you do testing your knowledge on these flags? 

Flag quiz | geography test | flags worksheet answers
Flag quiz - asia
flags of the world quiz

Flag Quiz - Africa

Flag quiz answers | flag quiz questions and answers

Here is a flags of the world quiz that focuses on Africa and the flags of countries in Africa. Here too, as in the flags of Europe and South America, there is a fairly high degree of similarity which makes identifying these flags a little bit more tricky. How well will you do testing your knowledge on these flags? 

Flag quiz - asia
flag quiz printable | flag quiz questions and answers | flag quiz

Flag Quiz - Can you name the country?

Computer / laptop  -  Mouseover for the answers.
Tablet PC / smart phone  -  Touch the flag for the answers      
   Touchscreen device  -  Touch the flag for the answers
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